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Forgotten Virginia Volume II: A Continuation of Dereliction and Decay in the Old Dominion
  • ISBN: 9781634995498

Forgotten Virginia Volume II: A Continuation of Dereliction and Decay in the Old Dominion

Author(s): Sean Toler

In his first book, Forgotten Virginia, Sean Toler photographically documented many of the abandoned places he’d been capturing on camera for nearly a decade. In the years since the publishing of that book, he has been busily travelling the back roads of Virginia hoping to digitally capture many more abandoned and decaying places and things. In fact, he has hundreds of locations that he still wants to visit across the state, marked with little green flags on his Google Maps account.

In this second volume you will find new locations not covered in his first book, some of them iconic. He hopes that as you view the photographs and read the accounts in this book, you feel as though you are accompanying him visiting each location. He also hopes that you will gain a new appreciation and reverence for these magnificent edifices scattered across our wonderful Commonwealth that have long since known the everyday presence of those who once lived and/or worked in them.

Many of the locations featured in the first book are no longer standing, as well as some that you will see in this book. This is the race against time that all abandonment photographers face, which is why the effort has been made to preserve them digitally for you all to enjoy in this second volume of Forgotten Virginia.

Sean Toler is an amateur photographer living in the Richmond, Virginia, area. He got into photography as soon as he had a 35mm point-and-shoot camera as a teenager. He took many a sunrise or sunset photo with it; in fact, he still photographs them to this day. His involvement with abandonment photography began, and remains, something personal for him. As a teenager, his first real job was at an old country store. That country store no longer exists and unfortunately, he never thought to photograph it. He now hopes that by capturing old buildings such as this on camera, he is helping preserve part of history as more and more of these old buildings succumb to weakness and decay or are demolished in the name of progress.
ISBN: 9781634995498
FORMAT: Paperback
PUBLISHER: America Through Time
DATE: 09/20/2025
STATE: Virginia
SERIES: America Through Time
DIMENSIONS: 6.5 (w) x 9.25 (h)