The discovery of gold on the magical date of January 24, 1848, when James Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill near Coloma, started a rush that was unprecedented in all...
Mira Slovak was born in Czechoslovakia and endured both the Nazi occupation and the brutal Russian liberation. He joined the Czech Air force, rising to captain by the age of...
Of the fifty states, Oregon is unique for many reasons. It has been proven that money does grow on trees in Oregon, and the only Bigfoot trap in the world...
Completed in 1911, the Copper River Northwestern Railway allowed Alaska's mining industry to flourish. Copper and gold prospecting townships and camps spread rapidly in the following thirty years. Far-flung glacier-side...
Somewhere between the Hollywood sign and the Pacific Ocean, underneath the palm trees and above the crowded highways, there they are. You may have seen one in your favorite movie,...
Arizona is a visual delight: a ruggedly beautiful state with a rich history and abundant photographic opportunities of not only its exquisite landscape, but its abandoned past. From dusty ghost...
Arizona’s geologic riches share more than 1,000 years of history with the state’s agricultural development. Hundreds of years before the Spanish arrived, Native Americans mined and farmed Arizona’s bountiful terrain....
Abandoned Arizona: Relics of the Past is a nocturnal look at vintage and iconic signs in Arizona. Follow photographer Sandra Jungling as she travels Arizona’s historic roadways in search of...
Some of the richest gold strikes in California history were found in the areas of Randsburg and Johannesburg, located in the Mojave Desert section of Kern County. The desert is...
Throughout its rich and storied history, California has seen the rise and fall of countless individuals, industries, and empires. Men have dug deep into her rich soil in search of...
In Southern California, settlers have long ventured into the Mojave Desert, seduced by its capacious horizons and fragile beauty, only to be abased by the intense heat, bone-dry terrain and...
The Salton Sea, California’s largest inland body of water, was a spectacular oasis in the desert which attracted droves of boating, fishing, and beach enthusiasts for fun in the sun....
It was as if the word GOLD echoed around the world as people came to the Pacific Northwest in droves in search of sudden wealth in the 1850s. Thousands of...
Abandoned Colorado is the adventurer’s guide to the lost and forgotten history of the Centennial State. From the vast grasslands of the Great Plains to the towering peaks of the...
The San Francisco East Bay is home to a large and expanding variety of graffiti artists. In this collection of cities, you can find their expressions and experimentations in secret...
Discover the forgotten treasures and untold tales of Idaho's past in Howard Frisk's captivating exploration, Abandoned Idaho: Ghost Towns, Gold Mines, and More.Extensively researched, this book unveils the rich history...
Jackson County sprang to life when gold was discovered in the early 1850s. Seemingly overnight, towns began to appear. But when the last of the gold was gone, some of...
Explores forgotten places through 150 photographs, uncovering history and myths. If walls could talk, what stories would they choose to share, and which would they decide to sweep under the...
Historic mansions, farmhouses, and family homes rot across Maryland, the wealthiest state in the nation, from the Eastern Shore to the west in Appalachia. As the authors explored these homes,...
The eastern shore of Maryland, an area of flat lands, is filled with vast amounts of farmland and chicken houses. Among all these you will find many abandoned properties, many...
Throughout Maryland, one finds abandoned curiosities in forests and meadows, as well as many hiding in plain sight in urban centers. This collection of Maryland abandonments includes more than a...
Almost a century before Las Vegas became Nevada’s glittering jewel in the desert, the state was at the center of a history-making mining stampede: first silver and then gold, two...
New Mexico’s vast, deep blue skies are as encompassing as the miles of open road beneath them. The emptiness between towns can be soul-stirring and the state is often referred...
Abandoned New Mexico: Ghost Towns, Endangered Architecture, and Hidden History encompasses huge swathes of time and space. As rural populations decline and young people move to ever-larger cities, much of...
Have you ever seen a memorial plaque at a national park? Do you ever see old structures with broken windows and carved out lovers’ initials? Probably not. It’s hard for...
Driving through Northern California, you will find sprawling military bases, immense wineries, gold mining towns, and amusement parks all lying abandoned. The combination of different people and industries this part...
Abandoned Northern Colorado: Ghosts of the Great High Plains is a collection of photographs taking you on a tour of Colorado's Northern High Plains region. Author and photographer Jeff Eberle...
Abandoned Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: California Revealed is an unforgettable nocturnal journey through secret locations hidden in the deserts of California. California has more than its share of abandoned planes,...
Randsburg, California, once a booming and bustling Mojave Desert town during the golden era of gold and silver mining, still lives on. At one time, this place was peopled with...
Abandoned Roadside Attractions: Under a Southwest Moon is a fascinating nocturnal exploration of the best abandoned oddities, kitschy tourist traps, strange sculptures, and surreal art installations throughout California, Arizona, and...
When Route 66 came to Arizona, the state was less than fifteen years old. But Arizona embraced the Mother Road, clinging to it long after any other state and then...
Abandoned Salton Sea: Dystopian Panoramas presents a journey into this unique Southern California region. An initial glimpse of the Salton Sea and its environs is a surreal experience—the landscape is...
In 1880, San Diego was a sleepy, dusty, western border town of about 2,500 souls. Today, it is a modern, world-class city with a greater metropolitan area population of more...
The San Francisco Bay Area is a beautiful region of California with diverse scenery, population, and history. Over the years, many businesses and institutions have come and gone. Sometimes these...
From prospectors' haunts in old ghost towns dating back to the Gold Rush, to the now-almost-deserted roadside towns of Route 66, the history of Southern California lives on through its...