"Visionary," "Man of God," "Cult Leader," "Fugitive," "Inmate," "Patriot." John R. Harrell of Louisville, IL, far better known as “Johnny Bob," was—rightfully or not—called all those things during his long,...
The Wisconsin Central (WC) was a dynamic regional railroad that served the upper Midwest from 1987–2001. Despite lasting just short of fourteen years, WC packed a lot of changes and...
Abandoned Gary, Indiana takes you on a photographic journey into the beautifully abandoned structures of a once-thriving Rust Belt city. Author and photographer Miki Lansdowne captures the timeless essence of...
As a kid growing up in small town Iowa, author and photographer Stephanie Bishop visited her grandparents three hours away, in even smaller town in Iowa. Every trip, her dad...
Chicago is known the world over for its architecture and theater, as well as a myriad of other tourist sights. Visitors, however, usually only see the “nice” parts of the...
Cincinnati Streetcar Heritage is a photographic essay of the Cincinnati, Ohio, streetcar system. Cincinnati's first electric streetcar line was the conversion of the Mt. Adams & Eden Park Inclined Railway...
What is involved in the daily ebb and flow of airline operations at a major airport? How do all the activities come together to make air travel a routine, mass-travel...
For as long as civilization has grown and thrived, victims of progress are inevitably left behind. Abandoned Iowa: Vacant Heartland captures evocative images of what life once resembled across the...
Dust, shards of glass, gravel, and grit coat heavy vines that spiral down empty stairs. They’re more than concrete and steel—as nature takes over abandoned buildings, they come alive. Through...
November 13, 1909 was like any other day for the 480 men who went into the coal mine at Cherry, Illinois, to begin another day’s work. The mine at Cherry...
West Jefferson rose out of the dust of a failed town and once was the most important business in Madison County, Ohio. Samuel Jones and Samuel Sexton moved to the...
Most of Fort Wayne's buildings and architecture from the early- to mid-1900s has been lost in the last fifty years to modern structures or parking lots. Fort Wayne Through Time...
In the early 1900s, nearly a million postcards were sent from Akron and the surrounding areas to recipients across the world. Hidden in these postcards are the stories of people...
Taken from the Iroquois word, Oyo, meaning "The Great River," the Ohio River stretches through Indiana for over 300 miles. From Lawrenceburg in the north to Evansville in the south,...
Abandoned Ozarks, Southwest Missouri offers a poignant, artistic, and sometimes sorrowful look at abandoned structures that have helped shape the culture and society of the rural Ozarks region and the...
With 145 color photographs and maps, Northbound Lights: Tracks Across Michigan and Wisconsin presents a visual history of contemporary changes to the railroad networks across these two states in the...
Centuries ago, Montana lay untouched by the western world. Briefly, railroads carved through its valleys and mines dug through its mountains. Montana, like a struck match, lit an explosion of...
Abandoned Chicago: Decay in the Windy City is an exploration through photographs of the shuttered buildings that are scattered all over Cook County, Illinois, and the city of Chicago—from beautiful...
Beyond the wheat fields and off the beaten path, these abandoned and forgotten places lay in wait to tell their stories of a more productive and useful time. From small...
Have you ever passed an empty building and wondered its age, why it was built, and who worked there? Maybe you notice the deterioration and wonder why it was abandoned....
Kansas City is an ever-growing metropolis. Every day the city’s expansion reaches out just a little bit farther. Along with this expansion comes more infrastructure and the need for space....
For more than a century, Chicago has been a workshop to the world. The city nurtured thousands of companies that supplied a hungry market with industrial products. Successful firms that...
Abandoned buildings provide us with a look at the past. Often these structures are all that’s left of the history of a bygone era. The images within these pages will...
There was a time when the city of Anderson, Indiana, was considered to be the epicenter of Madison County. With a population of over 70,000 residents in the early 1970s,...
Featuring 150 photographs, maps, and postcards, Traces of the Ann Arbor Railroad chronicles vital aspects of this unique railroad’s history, with a primary focus on what has transpired from the...
Established during World War II, Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB) has supported the defense of the United States for nearly eight decades. Originally a heavy bomber training base, Great Falls...
The heart and soul of America is a combination of farmers working fields to feed the nation and manufacturing titans constructing buildings, streets, and cars. Oak Creek, Wisconsin, has lived...
A curtain flutters in the window of an abandoned farmhouse. Textbooks from the 1940s lay scattered on the floor of a one-room schoolhouse. Receipts for a load of grain sit...
Discover the current condition of many of the old cars, trucks, and other motorized vehicles across the state of Minnesota. Through her photography, author Julie Bronson takes readers on a...
America's Dairyland is in distress. Its rural farmlands are dwindling. Join Troy Hess, rural explorer and award-winning photographer, as he travels the backroads of Wisconsin in search of these "rural...
With a love of local history and a passion for exploring and photography, Jeffrey Stroup has been documenting abandoned and forgotten places for over fifteen years. In his first book,...
Recognized as one of the great design and architectural thinkers of the twentieth century, R. Buckminster Fuller’s name is synonymous with the geodesic dome. But throughout his long life and...
Join author Julie Bronson on a nostalgic journey to the farmhouses, barns, and other outbuildings of yesteryear. Each structure is unique in character and was carefully constructed to stand the...
If you have ever wondered what is hiding up at the other end of weed covered driveways on dusty Iowa country roads, wonder no longer. Walk with Julie Bronson as...
Billy Caldwell was a Métis born March 17, 1780, outside of Fort Niagara, New York (then Canada), to Rising Sun, Mohawk Nation, and William Caldwell, an Irish Captain in the...
What causes people to leave their lives behind? How is it that places, some of great historical significance, are left unnoticed, even when in plain sight? What does that say...