Abandoned Ozarks, Southwest Missouri offers a poignant, artistic, and sometimes sorrowful look at abandoned structures that have helped shape the culture and society of the rural Ozarks region and the...
Beyond the wheat fields and off the beaten path, these abandoned and forgotten places lay in wait to tell their stories of a more productive and useful time. From small...
Kansas City is an ever-growing metropolis. Every day the city’s expansion reaches out just a little bit farther. Along with this expansion comes more infrastructure and the need for space....
Captures the disappearing beauty of St. Louis' abandoned buildings, preserving their stories. Photographer Larry Bommarito takes photos of old, abandoned buildings that tell the stories of St. Louis. Showcasing hidden...
When Wichita was founded in 1870, death was already a frequent occurrence here. The city's first official cemetery was established that same year. In the two decades that followed Wichita's...
Kansas City has become a city on a fast uprise. Progression towards the future, paralleled with the local booming population, has created a demand for further development of residential and...
As progress continues to move onward and upward throughout Kansas City, there will always be places left behind. From the industrial to residential and many places in between, all these...
The crossroad of the Midwest, Kansas City has grown from a small town to the large metropolis that it is today. As infrastructure has done nothing but expand, some businesses,...
The West Side of Kansas City can trace its development and growth back to the pioneer days when Kansas City was the last vestige of civilization for people heading out...