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Books (69)

A Crowded Hour: Milwaukee during the Great War, 1917–1918


A Tank Gunner's Story: CPL Gruntz of the 712th Tank Battalion


Abandoned Arkansas: Eaker Air Force Base


Absalom Hazlett: A Loyal Soldier in John Brown’s Army


Along the Lines of Devotion: The Bloodstained Field of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863


American Aircraft Development of the Second World War: Research, Experimentation and Modification 1939-1945


American Aircraft Development World War Two Legacy: 1945-1953 and The Korean War


American Panther Tanks: An Examination of the Five Surviving Panzer V Tanks Including the Rare Panther II


American Prisoner of War Camps in Arizona and Nevada


American Prisoner of War Camps in Colorado


American Prisoner of War Camps in Idaho and Utah


American Prisoner of War Camps in Montana and Wyoming


American Prisoner of War Camps in Northern California


American Prisoner of War Camps in Southern California


American Prisoner of War Camps in Washington and Oregon


America’s Bloody Hill of Destiny: A New Look at the Struggle for Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863


An We Ob Jubilee: The First South Carolina Volunteers


Billy Caldwell (1780-1841): Chicago and the Great Lakes Trail


Blacks in Gray Uniforms: A New Look at the South's Most Forgotten Combat Troops 1861-1865


Boeing B-52 Stratofortress: Warrior Queen of the USAF


Chicago-Area Italians in World War I: A Case Study of Calabrians


Crushing the Japanese Surface Fleet at the Battle of the Surigao Strait


Douglas DC-3: 80 Glorious Years


Florida Valor: The Medal of Honor and the Sunshine State


Gettysburg's Most Hellish Battleground: The Devil’s Den, July 2, 1863


History in Tennessee: Lost Episodes from the Volunteer State’s Past


Howard's Whirlybirds: Howard Hughes’ Amazing Pioneering Helicopter Exploits


Iowa Confederates in the Civil War


It's a Pleasure: The Men Who Ushered in the Era of the Floating Casino


Leaving Mac Behind: The Lost Marines of Guadalcanal


Mustang: Thoroughbred Stallion of the Air


Naval Air Station Oceana


Never Wars: The US War Plans to Invade the World


No Swastikas in Southbury


Paint Locker Magic: A History of Naval Aviation Special Markings and Artwork


Physician-Soldiers at the Forks
