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The Ghosts of Chippeny Hill: Myths, Legends, Ghosts, Indians, Witches and Orbs from the Old Chippeny
  • ISBN: 9781634990400

The Ghosts of Chippeny Hill: Myths, Legends, Ghosts, Indians, Witches and Orbs from the Old Chippeny

Author(s): Judith M. Giguere
Chippeny Hill, located in the northeast corner of Bristol (then New Cambridge), Harwinton and Plymouth has long been known as the home of Tories.

Tories in Revolutionary War times were those that remained loyal to England, or were perhaps just fond of the Anglican Church. The Puritans were a stern bunch and those of the Church of England had songs to share, Christmas trees, feasts and presents. Rev.

Newell of the First Congregational Church of New Cambridge said such things were of the devil. After the French and Indian War, England needed to replenish its sorely depleted treasury.

England felt that since much of its expenditure was to protect the American colonies from French incursion, it only seemed right that the colonies should pay their share.

The American colonies did not agree and the beginnings of the Revolutionary War struggles began. Those loyal to England gathered on Chippeny Hill. Their stories are today's legends, ghosts and myths—the very fabric of early Connecticut.

Judith M. Giguere was born and raised in Terryville, Connecticut. She holds two Associate degrees from Tunxis Community College and a Bachelor in Science in History from Charter Oak State College. She is the author of historic articles on the Town of Plymouth Municipal website and is currently the official Plymouth Town Historian. She is the author of Plymouth Revisited published by Arcadia Publishing. Judy is also a nationally recognized artist specializing in Chinese Brushwork. Her book on Chinese art was released in 2017.
ISBN: 9781634990400
Publisher: America Through Time
Date: 01/15/2018
State: Connecticut
Images: 47 Color
Pages: 96
Dimensions: 6.5 (w) x 9.25 (h)