A gripping exploration of California's infamous true crime stories, from unsolved murders to daring prison escapes, revealing a dark history of deception, violence, and tragedy. From California’s mountain peaks to...
California is known as the "Golden State." However, it has been said that "all that glitters is not gold." Within the pages of this book are true stories including the...
Murder for hire plots, conspiracy to commit murder, and contract killings may seem like something that only happens in the Mafia, but Oregon has had more than its fair share...
Washington may be known as the Evergreen State but hidden amongst the evergreen trees are true crime stories spanning the past century. Come and explore the Ghoul of Gray’s Harbor...
Bordered by the ocean on one side and the desert on the other, Oregon is known for its natural beauty. But between the ocean and the desert lie many true...
Oregon is known for its forests, lakes, and scenic beauty. But there is another side to Oregon. The pages of this book contain stories of Oregon’s notorious past, including: murder...