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Home page (18)

Johnny Bob: The Life and Times of John R. Harrell of Louisville, Illinois


Abandoned Chicagoland: Rust on the Prairies


The Illustrated History of the Cherry Mine Disaster of 1909


Abandoned Chicago: Decay in the Windy City


Abandoned and Unusual Southern Illinois


Chicago: America’s Workshop


Bucky's Dome: The Resurrection of R. Buckminster Fuller and Anne Hewlett Fuller's Dome Home in Carbo


Billy Caldwell (1780-1841): Chicago and the Great Lakes Trail


Abandoned Illinois: Forgotten Places and Lost Histories


Abandoned Illinois: Secrets Behind The Spaces


Buried Louisville, Kentucky: President to Paupers, Graves of the City


North to West: The Best of Modern Chicagoland Rail


The Illustrated History of the Ottawa Tent Colony


Lake Bluff 1895-2020: Celebrating 125 Years From Summer Resort to Suburban Revival


Lake Springfield in Illinois: Public Works and Community Design in the Mid-Twentieth Century


The Society of the Living Dead: The Illustrated History of Ottawa’s Radium Dial Scandal


Chicago-Area Italians in World War I: A Case Study of Calabrians


Chicago's South Shore Line
