Eros Russell, a photographer and urban explorer originally from East Tennessee, found his passion amidst the quiet landscapes of rural Southern towns. As a teenager, with little else to occupy his time, he would navigate the winding backroads, honing his keen eye for photography. It was during these explorations of abandoned places that he discovered his profound fascination with uncovering fragments of history frozen in time. Having relocated to Middle Tennessee to begin college in 2015, Eros has fervently pursued his photography endeavors. His heart lies in capturing the essence of the past before it fades into oblivion, a pursuit that drives him to seek out forgotten relics and stories hidden within the folds of time.
Eros Russell, a curious explorer in Middle Tennessee, is captivated by forgotten and abandoned buildings, homes, and belongings scattered along backroads and desolate small towns. Driving aimlessly, he encounters dilapidated...