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Biography (53)

Billy Caldwell (1780-1841): Chicago and the Great Lakes Trail


Lana Turner: A Silver Valley Childhood


The Fab 5: The Scrapbook of a Revolution


The Illustrated History of the Cherry Mine Disaster of 1909


The Society of the Living Dead: The Illustrated History of Ottawa’s Radium Dial Scandal


Absalom Hazlett: A Loyal Soldier in John Brown’s Army


Golden Panthers: Pitt’s Ten-Year Affair with Football Prominence (1973–1982)


Chicago: America’s Workshop


Lake Bluff 1895-2020: Celebrating 125 Years From Summer Resort to Suburban Revival


The Illustrated History of the Ottawa Tent Colony


The English Family of Indiana in a Century of Change


Pioneering Women of Glacier National Park


Standing Tall: Willie Long Vs. U.S. Government At Mare Island Naval Shipyard


Old Whiskey and Young Women: American True Crime: Tales of Murder, Sex and Scandal


Philadelphia Quakers: A Brief History


Memphis: Juke Joints, Civil Rights, and Soulful Nights


Making Sense of Marilyn
